La nostra Azienda

Noi di 360 Oftal offriamo un listino con soluzioni terapeutiche appropriate alle diverse condizioni cliniche del Paziente perché siamo convinti che prima della malattia viene il malato.

Abbiamo a cuore i tuoi occhi

Grazie ad un costante aggiornamento sulle patologie oftalmiche teniamo conto dei nuovi bisogni terapeutici del Paziente, come per esempio lo stress foto-ossidativo subito dall’occhio esposto alle onde elettromagnetiche della luce blu emessa dai monitor di PC, SMARTPHONE e TABLET per via dello smart-working e della DAD.

Noi di 360 Oftal offriamo un listino con soluzioni terapeutiche appropriate alle diverse condizioni cliniche del Paziente perché siamo convinti che prima della malattia viene il malato.

Per questi motivi, diamo priorità alla qualità dei nostri prodotti tenendo conto della scelta di officine di produzione in linea con le norme nazionali e internazionali per i processi di produzione.

Possiamo affermare di avere a cuore i tuoi occhi.

Supporting Our Communities to Build Positive, Safe & Clear Patient Focused Culture.

The purpose of assessing and accrediting laboratories is to evaluate and ensure compliance with established standards, identify areas of excellence and to provide recommendations for improvement.
Patient Centered Care
We work day and night to solve the problems that can help them move forward for those who is seeking answers!
Quality Improvement
Our team typically processes over 3 million patient every month and fifty of the top drugs developed in 2022.
Commitment to Quality

We Bring Diagnostic Testing and Drug Development Together!

Our History

We have grown organically and through targeted acquisitions that have added to its geographic and technological company provides clinical laboratory.

Leadership Team

Our executive team contributes to our mission of improving health and improving lives through our world-class diagnostics and drug development practices.

Accreditation & Licensing

Our commitment to excellence and quality improvement, we offer a series of inter related quality control and assurance initiatives for our pre analytical.


If you unraveled all your chromosomes from all of your cells and laid out the uncoiled DNA end to end, the strands would stretch from the Earth to the Sun 65 times.


We are continually pioneering innovative tests, expanding our genetics programs, forging new relationships and investing in technology to deliver tests.


Led by our values of caring, agile, customer centred, and teamwork, we passionately building a sustainable organization by not only doing what’s right for employees.
Whether you are a provider or patient, when you need trusted information to make confident health decisions, consider us. Our Specialty Areas

We are Helping to Advance Health with Clinical Trials and Vaccines Development.

We believe in harnessing science for human good, so we work day and night, around the world, to deliver answers for health questions.
World Class Diagnostics
We have developed some of the world's most advanced testing capabilities to help improve health and lives.
Leader in Drug Development
With the support of our diagnostics capabilities to deliver drug trials that are both reliable and rigorous,

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