360 OFTAL S.R.L.
Dona più salute ai tuoi occhi
Noi di 360 Oftal offriamo un listino con soluzioni terapeutiche appropriate alle diverse condizioni cliniche del Paziente perché siamo convinti che prima della malattia venga il malato.
360 OFTAL S.R.L.
La salute dei tuoi occhi è il nostro impegno
I tuoi occhi, la loro salute, la tu salute, il nostro impegno

360 Oftal Srl, azienda consolidata nel settore della oftalmologia, lavora per potenziare l’offerta terapeutica con prodotti sicuri e di qualità, mettendo sempre al centro il Paziente.

abbiamo-a-cuore-i-tuoi-occhi copia
La nostra mission:
Migliorare la vita delle persone prendendoci cura della loro vista. Mettiamo la nostra passione per l'oftalmologia e la nostra creatività nel lavoro al servizio dei tuoi occhi.
E' per questo che siamo aperti a rapporti di partnership con altre aziende come già fatto con Alexpharma s.r.l. di Milano
Azienda consolidata nel settore della protezione vascolare in oftalmologia
Prodotti innovativi e sicuri
Mettiamo sempre al centro il Paziente

Trattamenti delle patologie oculari

Grazie ad un costante aggiornamento sulle patologie oftalmiche teniamo conto dei nuovi bisogni terapeutici del Paziente, come per esempio lo stress foto-ossidativo subito dall’occhio esposto alle onde elettromagnetiche della luce blu emessa dai monitor di PC, SMARTPHONE e TABLET per via dello smart-working e della DAD.
Igenizzanti palpebrali - protettivi vascolari oftalmici - sostituti lacrimali, fotoprotettivi e protettori corneali
Find the Right Test for Your Needs!

Providing the Diverse Needs of Your Patient Community

General Diagnostic Tests

We are leader in ensuring exceptional quality testing in our facilities, driven by a passion to ensure you have critical information about your health give you access to diagnostic...

Specialized Genetic Tests

Genetic testing can be useful at different stages of life, like discovering that a family member has a condition that can be passed down or struggling to find treatment....

Naturopathic Tests

From hormone levels, to food reactions, to identifying environmental toxins, we provide you with objective information so you can map your path to health and wellness....

Food Sensitivity Tests

IgG food reactions can take hours or days to develop, making difficult to determine which food is responsible for the reaction without doing testing fast and specific way....

Genova Diagnostics Tests

Genova Diagnostics is an internationally renowned lab committed to only the highest standards. Chronic diseases are complex, but with Genova's system-based testing....

Hormone Insights Tests

Hormones are essential for the body to function optimally. Imbalances may result in many health conditions. Hormone Insights is a detailed urine analysis that measures....
360 Oftal

Produttori di qualità dal 2014

Investiamo nella tua salute

Ogni nostro prodotto e' pensato per il tuo benessere
Our Video

Improving Your Health through Automation

Through our investment in new high volume chemistry tech, we have brought next generation.

Partnering for Better Health Outcomes

Building a healthier world mean looking at the future genetics and being ready for it.

Innovations in Vaccines & Drug Development

In the face of a growing street drug crisis, quick and accurate screening is a matter of life.

Trust Towards our Shared Purpose

We care for our patients, each other and our communities and excellence is the standard.

Empowered to Change, Act, and to Adapt

We care for our patients, each other and our communities and excellence is the standard.

Improving Your Health through Automation

Through our investment in new high volume chemistry tech, we have brought next generation.

I'm a Healthcare Provider

We pioneer advancements in clinical testing and partnerships with industry leaders to make sure your patients have the diagnostic information you need to make health decisions.

I'm a Patient

We do that by offering tests that focus on prevention and early identification of potential health conditions, and offers a complete suite of tests to help identify a broad range of conditions.

Dona più salute ai tuoi occhi

"Il mondo, così come lo sperimentiamo visivamente, arriva a noi attraverso il dominio mistico del colore."

Why People Love Us!

They have cultivated a loyal following of functional and integrative medicine professionals, unified by a desire to prevent disease and attain health. They alued partners in providing only high quality testing to help us achieve clinical results faster in partnership with our patients.
They have cultivated a loyal following of functional and integrative medicine professionals, unified by a desire to prevent disease and attain health. They alued partners in providing only high quality testing to help us achieve clinical results faster in partnership with our patients.

Helping Patients Around the Globe!!

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist, we can provide referrals or advice about the type of practitioner you require to treat all enquiries sensitively.
Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.
Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.
Our healthcare providers count on the expertise of our staff to help map a journey towards better health for their patients. We are looking for the brightest minds and caring hearts to join our team.

Supporting Our Communities to Build Positive, Safe & Clear Patient Focused Culture.

The purpose of assessing and accrediting laboratories is to evaluate and ensure compliance with established standards, identify areas of excellence and to provide recommendations for improvement.
With over 90% of health decisions based on diagnostic results, we are committed to being a trusted healthcare partner you need for decisions.
Patient Centered Care
We work day and night to solve the problems that can help them move forward for those who is seeking answers!
Quality Improvement
Our team typically processes over 3 million patient every month and fifty of the top drugs developed in 2022.

Book a Lab Visit

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

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